GARDENS PART 6: Human Vocation

Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:4, Psalm 8, John 1:1-4, 2 Corinthians 5:17 

Reminder: May 1–June 5 is the Half-Million Mobilization Prayer

Pray with Nazarenes around the USA/Canada Region from May 1-June 5 (Pentecost).  

Summary: In the creation story of Genesis, we see God is the Master Craftsperson and humans are made in His image. Thus humans each have a sacred dignity no matter their gender, race, culture or age. 

To these image-bearers, God gave the sacred duty of stewarding His creation by being fruitful and multiplying and ruling over the earth.  

While there is much joy in work, humans face sinful difficulty in their work because of the fall. Stress, strain, scarcity, abuse, loneliness abound. 

BUT GOD started a new creation work through Jesus, inviting people to come to their tasks with His wonder and grace. 

As Christians we are invited and equipped to…

  1. Turn to Wonder instead of Worry

  2. Celebrate Human Dignity in Ourselves and Others

  3. Order our Days 

Check out the Bible Project’s Video on “Image of God”  

Want to explore more ideas on how to cultivate growth in the Work Garden of your life? 

Check out the Growth Plan at

 Message Reflection Questions 

  1. Begin with silence.

  2. Read Psalm 8 as an opening prayer.

  3. What is your work? What joys do you have in it? What do you find most difficult?

  4. Read Genesis 1:1-2:1. What does this teach us about God’s relationship with creation?

  5. Read Genesis 1:27-28. Why is it important to note that humans were given dignity (made in God’s image) before they were given a duty (called to steward the earth)?

  6. What do you think it means for people to be fruitful and multiply and to be stewards of the earth?

  7. How would cultivating wonder and seeking to honor the dignity in others affect what you do?

  8. Read 2 Peter 1:3-4 and 2 Corinthians 5:17. What do these two passages teach us about how Christians approach what they have been given to steward?

  9. How can you apply what we’ve discussed?

  10. Close in prayer. Include prayers for renewal and revival in the church in America. 


If you want to follow the prayer journal, go here

May 22: Ephesians 3:20-21

May 23: Psalm 116:1-2

May 24: Matthew 9:37-38

May 25: Psalm 145:18

May 26: 1 Timothy 2:1-2

May 27: 1 Timothy 2:8

May 28: Isaiah 11:2


Helpful Instructions for reading

  1. Start with silence. Recognize that the Jesus in scripture is the Jesus with you where you are.

  2. Thank God for something that happened in the last 24 hours.

  3. Read the text. Take note of phrases and images that encourage you or raise questions. Ask God to seal the truth in your heart.

  4. Finish in prayer for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your church. Pray through the nations at


Israel’s Vocation-Part 7 GARDENS


GARDENS Part 5: Y for Yield