GARDENS Part 5: Y for Yield

Matthew 6:19-34

 May 1–Half-Million Mobilization Prayer

Pray with Nazarenes around the USA/Canada Region from May 1-June 5 (Pentecost). 

 We’re breaking down prayer with the acronym P.R.A.Y.

P for Pause

R for Rejoice and Reflect

A for Ask

Y for Yield


 Here are some practices you can incorporate in your growth plan to become a person who asks with audacity.

 1. Have a prayer garden (a specific place to pray)

2. Come to the altar on Sundays.

3. Go on prayer walks and pray Lord’s Prayer or Psalm 91 over your neighborhood.

4. Write prayer requests down.

5. Pray with someone regularly. 

Quality Guidance for how to incorporate PRAY into your life can be found in the guide “How to Have a Quiet Time” in the Toolshed of “The Prayer Course”: 

Message Reflection Questions 

  1. Begin with silence.

  2. How has your prayer life been since we started this series?

  3. Read Matthew 6:19-34. How would you summarize Jesus explaining putting our trust in God?

  4. Jesus says in the Lord's Prayer and in the Garden of Gethsemane essentially "Thy will be done." Talk/Journal about a time that you have faced a tough decision in following God's will. What was the outcome?

  5. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Tell/Journal your conversion story. How are you yielding to Him right now?

  6. Matthew 6:19-21 talks about treasures. What time, talents, and treasures do you have? Where are you storing them?

  7. What are the inherent problems with feelings? Why does Jesus say that our hearts follow our treasures? Talk/Journal about how you can be more reliant on the Holy Spirit.

8. Close in prayer. Include prayers for renewal and revival in the church in America.


If you want to follow the prayer journal, go here

May 15: Acts 2:42

May 16: Acts 4:31

May 17: Ezra 8:23

May 18: Romans 8:15

May 19: Romans 8:26-27

May 20: Romans 12:12

May 21:  Psalm 115:1

Helpful Instructions for reading

  1. Start with silence. Recognize that the Jesus in scripture is the Jesus with you where you are.

  2. Thank God for something that happened in the last 24 hours.

  3. Read the text. Take note of phrases and images that encourage you or raise questions. Ask God to seal the truth in your heart.

  4. Finish in prayer for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your church. Pray through the nations at


GARDENS PART 6: Human Vocation


GARDENS Part 4: A for Ask