Discipleship LifeGroups

We believe that as followers of Jesus, we are on the pathway of discipleship. This pathway is not linear but we grow when we gather together, when we take courses to grow in our spiritual formation, when we commit to a lifegroup to practice the mission of Jesus together, when we begin to lead others, and when we pray together. Join our discipleship pathway as we grow with Jesus and one another!

Women's Lifegroups

  • Women's Bible Study - Thursdays

    This group is led by Pastor Kathy Foltz and meets at 10:00AM in the Sprenkle House Ground fl. conference room.

Men's Lifegroups

  • Man Cave - Tuesdays

    Men! Connect, encourage, and challenge one another in the faith. Led by Wayne Rumsey and Jeff Callender, this group meets at 6:30PM in the Sprenkle House. Bring a man-sized snack to share.

  • On Guard - 3rd Thursday

    Based on 1 Corinthians 16:13, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong,” this men’s discipleship group challenges men to be “On Guard” to be the men in their homes, workplaces, and church that they are called to be. Led by Pastor Jade Frederick the third Thursday of each month from 6:30 - 8 pm at the York City Campus.

  • Dudes & Food-1st Thursday

    Men! Join us for food, prayer, conversation! This group is led by Rich Renoll and Wayne Rumsey and meets at 7AM the first Thursday of each month at Round the Clock Diner on Rt. 30 .

Senior Lifegroups

  • Faith Connections Bible Study - Wednesdays

    The purpose of the Faith Connections Bible Study is to connect our faith in God with life issues. We meet at 1:30PM every Wednesday in the lower level conference room of the Sprenkle House and use the Faith Connections Bible Study Guide. This group is led by Pastor Steve and Cathy Grosvenor.

  • The King is Coming - Sundays

    A look at prophecy, current events and how to live in preparation for the return of our Lord.

    This class is taught by Wayne Sechrist and meets at 10:30 in the second floor large conference room at Sprenkle House.

  • Classic Club - 1st Friday

    For those age 50 and up! Join us for fellowship and food the 1st Friday of every month, 8:15AM at Manchester Diner! Jeff Phillips leads this group.

Creative Lifegroups

  • Clay - 2nd Friday

    Clay is a small group created for the discipleship, community, encouragement, and equipping of those geared toward the visual and fine arts. This group is led by Pastor Isabell Clark on the second Friday of each month from 6pm - 7:30 pm at the York City Campus.

  • Strings & Things

    A Crafty Small Group. Our crafts become our ministry as we work and pray over them then give them to those in need of spiritual support . We will provide materials, training and even rides. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 8 PM at York City campus 350 Chestnut St.

All Lifegroups

  • M.O.R.E. - Sundays

    Dig deeper into the sermon of the morning! This group is led by Steve Yinger and John Lackey and meets at 10:30AM in the Sprenkle House ground floor conference room.

  • Young Adult Ministry (YAM) (18-30) -Thursday

    Our young adults, led by Heath and Kate Grim, meet the first, third and fifth Saturday of the month at 10AM for brunch, community fellowship and a group Bible study. Please reach out for location information! For questions, or to let us know you are coming, please click the button below!

In-Home Lifegroups

  • In-Home Lifegroups

    We have a variety of Lifegroups who meet in each other's homes to do life together! These groups require inquiry for placement based on numbers and location. Click below if you are intersted!

Cultivating your spiritual growth is key to living a life that reflects Jesus and moves His mission forward in the world.

One essential way to grow in Christ is to grow with others in a small group format.

If you are interested in a small group on campus or in someone’s home, click the button below and fill out the form.