February 28th 7:30pm - March 1st 9:00pm
For 25 hours, we are inviting you to participate in Gather25 where we will experience the transforming power of God through prayer, worship, and speakers across the globe. Gather25 is an unprecedented 25-hour global broadcast event telling the inspiring stories of the global Church, by the global Church. Jesus followers in churches, campuses, arenas, and living rooms–from every continent and denomination–will join together across every time zone to participate in the work of God. For 25 hours, Gather25 is inviting believers across the world to pray, repent, worship, and discover how the love of Jesus is transforming the world through everyday people. This is our moment in history to come together, be inspired by the stories of how God is moving across the earth and be excited to share Jesus everywhere. Don't miss this incredible opportunity for all believers to worship and pray to the God of the universe together, across the world at the same time!
Below is the schedule. We encourage you to either attend all of the sessions or to choose which sessions you wish to attend. We encourage everyone to register at the link below, but registration is not required. The cost of the event is free. Food and childcare options are available. Invite your friends!
7:30 arrival
8pm-12am USA
12am-3am New Zealand
3am-4am India
4am-5am Persecuted Church
5am-8am Malaysia
8am-11am Romania
11am-2pm Rwanda
2pm-5pm UK
5-6pm Persecuted Church
6-9pm Peru
Friday evening is a family session. Feel free to bring your children. There will be a grace space in the back. Saturday childcare will be available from 11am-5pm. Grace Space will be available during remaining sessions on Saturday. Please register your children on the registration link below.
Friday evening snacks and coffee will be available. Saturday morning there will be coffee and breakfast provided. If you wish to have lunch and/or dinner on Saturday, choose that option at registration. 10$ will cover both lunch and dinner.
Are you in?
Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene
400 Stillmeadow Lane, York, PA 17404
Find out more at Gather25.com or tmartin@stillnaz.com