Israel’s Vocation-Part 7 GARDENS

Genesis 12:1-7, Genesis 17:1-8, 1 Kings 8:55-61 

Reminder: May 1–June 5 is the Half-Million Mobilization Prayer

Pray with Nazarenes around the USA/Canada Region from May 1-June 5 (Pentecost).  


Using Abraham’s journey with God as a framework, we see that God invites each of us to walk with Him. 

When you walk with God at work… 

  1. Follow His lead.

  2. Be different.

  3. Do it as a gift to God.

  4. Do it as a gift to others.

  5. Do it for the next generation.

  6. Keep on walking. 

Explore more ideas on how to cultivate growth in the Work Garden with the Growth Plan at:  

For Further Study: 

Bible Project Video on “Covenants”  

Bible Project Video on “Genesis 12-50”  

Message Reflection Questions 

  1. Begin with silence.

  2. What did God say to you through the message?

  3. What is the task or project that requires the most endurance (or even prayer!) in your work and life?

  4. Read Genesis 12:1-7 and Genesis 17:1-8. What do these passages say about God? What can we learn about faith and work through them?

  5. God called Abraham and his people to be distinct from the nations around them. Why is it important for Christians to be different than the surrounding culture in how they work?

  6. What are some ways that you can do your work as a gift to God? What are some ways that you can use your work and life as a gift to others?

  7. Why is it important to think of the next generation in the work we do and the lives we live? How can we do that better?

  8. Read Deuteronomy 31:6. Where is God calling you to persevere and stay strong in your own work and life?

  9. Close in prayer. Include prayers for renewal and revival in the church in America. 


 If you want to follow the prayer journal, go here.

May 29: Hebrews 5:7

May 30: Jeremiah 29:12

May 31: James 1:6

June 1: James 5:13

June 2: James 5:16

June 3: Daniel 9:18b-19

June 4: 1 Peter 3:12

June 5:  1 John 5:14

Helpful Instructions for reading

  1. Start with silence. Recognize that the Jesus in scripture is the Jesus with you where you are.

  2. Thank God for something that happened in the last 24 hours.

  3. Read the text. Take note of phrases and images that encourage you or raise questions. Ask God to seal the truth in your heart.

  4. Finish in prayer for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your church. Pray through the nations at


Unified Mission, Unified Church-Part 8 Gardens


GARDENS PART 6: Human Vocation