The Promise Perspective


Genesis 17:3-16, 26:24, 28:10-15, 50:15-21, 49:9-10

Reflection Questions:

  1. Choose a word or phrase from Psalm 33:5-11 to quietly meditate on.

  2. Compare the covenant promises made to Abraham (Gen 17:3-16), Isaac (Gen 26:24) and Jacob (Gen 28:10-15).

  3. How does Joseph’s response in Genesis 50:15-21 show that he put more trust in God’s promise and purpose than in other things?

  4. What does Genesis 17:15-16 and Genesis 49:9-10 reveal about God’s plan for this family?

  5. See how the apostle Paul explained the blessing of God through this family line in Galatians 3:14. Why was this important in the early church and why is it important today?

  6. What does it tell you that God would work with Abraham’s difficult family to bring about his promise of blessing to the world?

  7. How are you doing at living in trust in God and his promises? Is there a sin that you continue in because you are trying to control your life instead of giving God control?

  8. Close in prayer: Ask God for strength to trust his promises, and pray for those who have yet to trust the promises of God.

Daily Scripture Reading

Following the instructions in the front of the booklet, explore GodStory OurStory in the readings this week.

Feb 2 Leviticus 11-13, Psalm 33

Feb 3 Leviticus 14-15, Psalm 34

Feb 4 Leviticus 16-18, Psalm 35

Feb 5 Leviticus 19-20, Psalm 36

Feb 6 Leviticus 21-23, Psalm 37

Feb 7 Leviticus 24-25, Psalm 38

Feb 8 Leviticus 26-27, Psalm 39

Resources Bible Reading Plan: Book: What the Bible is All About


Exodus: Rescued to Serve


The King Blesses Through a Family