The King Blesses Through a Family
Genesis 12:1-9, 21:1-7
Matthew 28:18-20
Reflection Questions
Read Psalm 31:1-5 aloud and sit quietly with God for 2 minutes.
Genesis 12 is the beginning of God’s relationship with the family through whom Jesus would come to redeem the world. Read Genesis 11:27-12:9. What does this passage reveal about God’s choice for the “first father”?
How many times do you see the word “blessing” in 12:2-3? What does that reveal about God’s intentions with Abram?
Compare the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 with God’s call of Abram in Genesis 12:1-3. How are they similar?
When Sarah gave birth to Isaac (Genesis 21:1-7), God brought about a miracle to fulfill the promise he made to Sarah and Abraham. This illustrates an important Biblical truth: When God calls, he provides the way. In the Great Commission in Matthew 28, Jesus promises His presence for the journey. Is there an area you are needing to increase your trust in God’s provision in order to obey?
In this year as we explore “GodStory and Our Story” take a moment and consider this question: Is there a place of comfort or familiarity from which God is calling you to move in order to be a blessing to others?
Finish in prayer with Psalm 31:3-5.
Daily Scripture Reading
Following the instructions in the front of the booklet, explore GodStory OurStory in the readings this week.
Jan 26 Exodus 28-29, Psalm 26
Jan 27 Exodus 30-31, Psalm 27
Jan 28 Exodus 32-34, Psalm 28
Jan 29 Exodus 35-40, Psalm 29
Jan 30 Leviticus 1-4, Psalm 30
Jan 31 Leviticus 5-7, Psalm 31
Feb 1 Leviticus 8-10, Psalm 32
Resources The Biggest Story Video: The Father of Nations (Abraham Part 1)