Leviticus: Holy God, Holy People


Reflection Questions

  1. Prayerfully pause on a word, phrase or verse from Psalm 51:7-17.

  2. One simple way to break down Leviticus is to see the first half as God’s instructions on holy worship and the second half as God’s instructions on holy living. How do you think worship and morality are tied together?

  3. Leviticus 7:37-38 is a summary of 1:1-7:36. What does it say about God that he would provide such detailed instructions on how to approach him in worship?

  4. Leviticus 18:1-5 is the introduction to the holiness instructions in 18:6-22:30, while 22:31-33 is the conclusion. Read the introduction and conclusion and answer this: what was the purpose of the holiness code for the Israelite people?

  5. Now check out Peter’s usage of Leviticus in 1 Peter 1:13-16. How does this and 1 Peter 2:11-12 connect with God’s purpose for the holiness code?

  6. On the annual Day of Atonement (Lev 16), the sins of the people were forgiven and forgotten. But in the New Testament, Jesus is “the atoning sacrifice for our sins.” Reflect on 1 John 1:8-2:2 in light of these questions.

  7. Come to God in prayer. Is there anything about how you approach worship that needs to be adjusted? Is there any habit in your life that is not “holy to the Lord” that you need to confess?

Daily Scripture Reading

Following the instructions in the front of the booklet, explore GodStory OurStory in the readings this week.

Feb 16 Numbers 22-24, Psalm 47

Feb 17 Numbers 25-27, Psalm 48

Feb 18 Numbers 28-30, Psalm 49

Feb 19 Numbers 31-32, Psalm 50

Feb 20 Numbers 33-34, Psalm 51

Feb 21 Numbers 35-36, Psalm 52

Feb 22 Deut 1-3, Ps 53

Resources Bible Project Article: Animal Sacrifice? Really? The Biggest Story -- A Tale of Two Goats: The Story of the Day of Atonement


Numbers: Wilderness Wanderings


Exodus: Rescued to Serve