Series: Worth Dying For Title: Worth Living For

Main Text: Mark 16:1-8

Supplemental Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 

On this Easter Sunday, we celebrate resurrection hope with baptisms at both campuses. We will reflect on the resurrection account of Mark 16:1-8, where we come to realize that the resurrection disrupts our plans, disturbs our ideas of the world and leads us to discover a Resurrected Rabbi who sends us into the world with a message of hope and restoration. 

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Read Mark 16:1-8. Choose one verse and meditate on that for a couple minutes.

  2. Why would the women be so alarmed and afraid?

  3. What does their reaction teach us about the resurrection?

  4. How do the words of the young man in a white robe (most likely an angel) apply to the church today?

  5. Does the resurrection still shock you or leave you speechless? Ask God to disrupt your plans and disturb your ideas about the world with Jesus’ resurrection.

  6. Do you live with the urgency that the women had that day? Ask God to send you with a message of hope.

  7. The women were sent to the disciples and to Peter. Who are you being sent to?

  8. Close in prayer, reflecting on the passage again.

Daily Reading

In this first week of Easter, take some time to read through the various accounts from the gospel writers. Allow their unique perspectives to draw you into a living encounter with the Risen Savior. 

Monday: Mark 16:1-8

Tuesday: Matthew 28:1-20

Wednesday: Luke 24:1-49

Thursday: John 20:1-31

Friday: John 21:1-25


Series: Worth Dying For Title: Honest God and Honest Church


Series: Worth Dying For Title: It Takes All Kinds