Series: Worth Dying For Title: Honest God and Honest Church

Main Text: John 20:19-29, 1 John 1:1-2:2 

On this Sunday after Easter we read two accounts of the unity that God offers His church. First, he offers unity between Himself and us. From that, He builds unity between believers. In a world distant from God, Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins to make us one (atone) with God (1 John 1:7-2:2). In a world of disunity and distrust, Jesus enters the fear-filled upper rooms of our hearts and says, “Peace be with you” (John 20:19-31). What’s required of us? We must be honest with God and each other with our sins. And we must be honest with God and each other about our doubts. Shame keeps us in the shadows, but love draws us into the light. The unity of the church is made possible when we center on Jesus’ sufficient sacrifice, confess our sins and bring our questions. We will conclude our service with communion, inviting people to confess and bring their questions to the table. 

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Read 1 John 1:1-4. Begin with silence, meditating on a word or phrase from that passage

  2. Read 1 John 1:1-2:2. What does this tell us about both what God has done and can do for us?

  3. What stands out to you about Jesus in his post resurrection appearance of John 20:19-29?

  4. The disciples have a variety of responses and attitudes in John 20:19-29. Which do you relate to in this season?

  5. What questions about God and Christ do you have? How can Jesus’ response to Thomas help us in our own doubts? How can it help us handle the doubts of others?

  6. How do these two passages illustrate the importance of honesty (confession and admission of doubt/questions) in the life of a Christian?

  7. Is there anything that you need to confess for freedom and forgiveness or any question that you need to admit and seek illumination on?

  8. Close in prayer. If there is any sin: Confess and receive forgiveness. If there is any doubt: admit and receive Jesus’ peace. 

Daily Reading

In this second week of Easter, take some time to read through the passages we explored in the Sunday message.

 Monday: 1 John 1:1-4

Tuesday: 1 John 1:5-7

Wednesday: 1 John 1:8-2:2

Thursday: John 20:19-23

Friday: John 20:24-29


Series: Renew Title: The Source of Sabbath


Series: Worth Dying For Title: Worth Living For