Series: Worth Dying For Title: It Takes All Kinds

Main Text: Mark 11:1-11

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 

In our final message of the Worth Dying For series, we will bring the story of the Palm Parade and the underground railroad together. One of the remarkable features of the underground railroad is that it was run by people of all social classes, ages, races, and genders. It is a powerful reminder that it takes all kinds to do the important work. As Jesus was paraded into Jerusalem, it took all kinds of people to be a part of the Palm Parade. The Christian life is a parade with Jesus as the main attraction, and the Christian hope is Jesus returning with a parade of saints! Anybody and everybody is invited to be a part of the parade. To illustrate the nature of the invitation, we will look at three stories of people who paraded the good news before Jesus’ resurrection and then look at three stories of people who paraded the good news after Jesus’ resurrection, considering how we too can surrender our wealth, words and wounds for His greater purpose! 

Read more about the Underground Railroad in York County in Scott Mingus Sr’s books “Guiding Lights: Underground Railroad Conductors in York County, PA” and “The Ground Swallowed Them Up” and use the power of google to find more! 

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Begin by reading Psalm 118:1, 21-25. Choose one line to repeat in your heart for 2 minutes.

  2. Read Mark 11:1-11. Where do you see the theme of surrender and sacrifice?

  3. “Hosanna” was a prayer, asking for salvation. “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” was a praise to the King. If you were to lead a Palm Parade, what would you pray for Jesus to do? What would you shout in praise about Jesus?  

  4. In the message we considered different things to surrender to join the parade of Jesus. We are invited to surrender our wealth, our words, our wounds and our wills. Take a couple minutes to name ways we can surrender those to God. Make a chart and list ways to surrender wealth, words, wounds and wills.

  5. What keeps us from surrendering those to God? (Make sure to use “I statements”, to make this personal. For example, “I find it hard to surrender my wealth because I worry that I won’t have enough” or “It’s a challenge for me to surrender my words because I like to have the last word and don’t like to be wrong” or “It is difficult to me to surrender my wounds because my identity is wrapped up in that hurt”)

  6. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. Are you ready for Jesus’ next Triumphant Parade? If not, what is God asking you to surrender in order to be ready?

  7. Compare Mary’s prayer in Luke 1:38 and Jesus’ prayer in Mark 14:36. Notice how both surrendered their will to God’s will.

  8. Close in prayer. Say either Mary’s Prayer or Jesus’ Prayer or combine their prayers or write your own prayer of surrender.


Daily Reading

Monday: John 12:1-11

Tuesday: John 12:20-36

Wednesday: John 13:21-32

Thursday: John 13: 8b

Friday: Psalm 22


Series: Worth Dying For Title: Worth Living For


Series: Worth Dying For Title: Want to see Jesus?