Series: Advent 2024 – Stand Sermon: Joy
Primary Text: Isaiah 12:2-6
Supplementary Texts: Zephaniah 3:14-20, Philippians 4:4-7, Luke 3:7-18
Preacher: Pastor Josh
Reflection Questions
1. Read the Song of Praise in Isaiah 12. Choose one word or phrase to meditate on for 2 minutes.
2. Consider this: Jesus is the most joyous human to have ever lived. What are some examples of joy in his ministry?
3. Going back to Isaiah 12. What has God saved us from? And why is it “with joy” that one draws from “the wells of salvation?”
4. Jump to Zephaniah 3:14-20. What does verse 17 show us about God’s perspective and posture towards his people? Is it difficult or easy to imagine God like this?
5. Tie these passages to Philippians 4:4-7 where Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Why is continual and habitual rejoicing an essential practice for believers?
6. Beth Stark asks in our advent devotional: Are you substituting joy in your life with counterfeits of pleasure or happiness?
7. Make a list of at least 10 reasons we have to rejoice (you can use personal examples or examples from the three scriptures). Now, do what Isaiah and Zephaniah and Paul urge us to do. Say it out loud! Sing it or shout it. Your choice!
8. Finish in prayer. Ask God for joy in your own heart where there is sorrow. Ask God for joy in the lives of those who are living in the darkness of sorrow or anxiety.
Daily Readings: Follow the advent guide at