Judges and Ruth
Judges 3:6-11, 17:6, Ruth 4:1-17, Revelation 19:7 Call to Worship: Psalm 81:5b-16 Sermon Notes
Reflection Questions
1. Read Psalm 81:10-16 and be silent.
2. Share an “Ebenezer Story.” In 1 Samuel 7:12, Samuel placed “the stone of help” (Ebenezer) to say, “God has helped us!”
3. How has God helped you? Read Judges 3:6-11 and 17:6. What was the primary problem of the Israelites? What does this passage show about God and humanity?
4. In the midst of such unpredictable times, we get RuthStory. Read the end of the story (Ruth 4:1-17). How does this show God’s grace and provision?
5. As Boaz redeemed Ruth, so Jesus redeems us. Read Galatians 3:13 and Ephesians 1:7 to see how Jesus redeems us. Have you accepted Jesus and the price he paid for you?
6. Boaz’s marriage with Ruth points to the New Testament imagery of the marriage between Jesus and his bride, the Church. What are the implications of this marriage imagery and Revelation 19:6-9?
7. While the Israelites repeatedly chose sin, what are ways that we as believers can repeatedly choose faithfulness to God through Jesus?
8. Close in prayer. Have you accepted Jesus and the price he paid for you? Today is an opportunity to accept him. Do you know someone who needs redeemed? Take time to pray for them. Is there an area of your life where you need help choosing faithfulness? Ask him for help.
Daily Scripture Reading
Explore GodStory OurStory in the readings this week.
Mar 16 Judges 16-18, Ps 75
Mar 17 Judges 19-21, Ps 76
Mar 18 Ruth, Ps 77
Mar 19 1 Samuel 1-3, Ps 78
Mar 20 1 Sam 4-8, Ps 79
Mar 21 1 Sam 9-12, Ps 80
Mar 22 1 Sam 13-14, Ps 81
Resources Bible Project Book Guide: The Book of Judges The Biggest Story: The Girl Who Wouldn’t Go Away: The Story of Ruth
York County United in Prayer
Week of Sunday, March 16
Mar 16: The police, fire, and rescue workers.
Mar 17: The courts.
Mar 18: Immigrants and refugees.
Mar 19: Hospitals and nursing homes: patients, residents and staff.
Mar 20: All who provide health care.
Mar 21: York County Prison: prisoners and staff.
Mar 22: Victims of violent crime; all who commit violent crime.