SANCTIFIED Part 7: In Tune

Psalm 31:9-16, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Luke 22:47-23:46


  1. Humble

  2. Obedient unto Death

  3. Willing to Associate with the Worst

 "For the privileged and underprivileged alike, if the individual puts at the disposal of the Spirit the needful dedication and discipline, he can live effectively in the chaos of the present the high destiny of a son of God."

~Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited, pg 99 

Let Psalm 31:14-15a be our prayer…

“But I trust in you, Lord;

I say, ‘you are my God.’

My times are in your hands…”


Message Reflection Questions

  1. Begin with silence. Then read Psalm 31:14-16 as an opening prayer.

  2. It’s Palm Sunday! Say Hallelujah (praise God!) for something from the past week.

  3. Reading Isaiah 50:4-9a, what is the attitude of the “Servant of the Lord”?

  4. How would you describe Christ’s mindset in Philippians 2:6-8?

  5. Now compare the attitude of the servant and Christ’s mindset to the attitude and mindsets of the guards, Jewish leaders and Herod in Luke 22:63-23:12.

  6. Paul’s instruction in Philippians 2:5 is for the believers to have Christ’s mindset with one another. When do you find it difficult to practice humility, obedience and associate with those considered “the worst”?

  7. Using Isaiah 50:4 and Psalm 31:14-16 as a guide, how do we foster Christ’s attitude and mindset in ourselves?

  8. What is one thing you want to take from this series on sanctification?

  9. Which night(s) of Prayer Week will you join? Close in prayer, committing to the mindset of Christ.

Prayer Week

Each night at 7PM 

Mon-Wed at York City Campus 

Thur-Fri at Stillmeadow Lane 

Monday: Prayer (No Longer with BMA because of BMA Funeral)

Tuesday: Pray for Missions

Wednesday: Pray for Addictions and Afflictions

Thursday: Prayer Stations

Friday: Good Friday Prayer 


We are in our last week of the Lenten season. You can grab a daily devotional on Sundays or follow at  

Sunday: Luke 19:28-40

Monday: Hebrews 9:11-15

Tuesday: John 12:20-36

Wednesday: Psalm 70

Thursday: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Friday: John 18:1-19:42 

Helpful Instructions for reading

  1. Start with silence. Recognize that the Jesus in scripture is the Jesus with you where you are.

  2. Thank God for something that happened in the last 24 hours.

  3. Read the text. Take note of phrases and images that encourage you or raise questions. Ask God to seal the truth in your heart.

  4. Finish in prayer for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your church. Pray through the nations at


GARDENS Part 1: Graves into Gardens


SANCTIFIED Part 6: Restored By His Grace