Sunday, December 22-Love

 Family Devotional - Micah 5:2-5a

 Micah 5:2-5a announced that out of Bethlehem Ephrathah (a place which the Jews retained and loved) will come the One to be Ruler in Israel.  The great ruler will come from this humble place, Bethlehem which was never a great or influential city, in fact, it was little among the thousands of Judah.  Yet God chose it as the birthplace of the Messiah. 

 Have you ever felt you were too small, young, old, or unqualified to stand strong for God?  The prophet Micah tells us that the Messiah (Jesus) will come out of the small common town of Bethlehem.  When you are given an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with others, don’t give excuses.  You are important to Him and He promises to be with you always. You are qualified to share his Love because you are His child. 

 Family challenge:  share the story of Jesus with someone you meet this week (grocery store clerk, librarian, someone at the mall, or your next door neighbor).  Tell them they are loved and the best gift to receive this Christmas is (Jesus’ love and salvation) and it’s free!!  Explain how Jesus’ love is at the center of your family unit and without that love you would not be able to live each day to its fullest.

 Prayer:  Thank you Jesus for loving me and helping me share your love with others this week.  Use me this week to help those who don’t know you. Give me courage to always stand strong for you in every situation!




Monday, December 23-Love


Friday, December 20-Joy