Monday, December 23-Love
Psalm 80:1-7
Do you ever wish that you were present when the words of the Scripture were penned? This Psalm, which actually is one of lament, was sung to the tune of Lilies of the Covenant which reminds me of a God of love who gives life and who is fully committed to His promises. I wonder: was the song slow, melodic and humble or in a minor key with loud, deep, distress?
The psalmist calls out for God to hear, to shine, to save, to restore. I hear desperation, but I also hear a confidence that GOD himself is the solution. It takes me back – to days in my own life that have been hard. Days when I lamented at the Mercy-Seat because I knew that though I had gotten off track, God was still patiently waiting to shine His love on me.
Repeatedly the author asks for God to: “Make your face shine on us.” That light, symbolic of God’s favor and blessings on your life and his deep love for you, His child.
Maybe you feel unheard, shrouded in darkness, and in desperate need of rescue – Jesus of Nazareth, God-in-flesh, Love-in-perfect-human-form, came to this earth for you.
Where do you need God to hear you, shine on you, save you and restore you this Advent? Be honest with yourself and Him.
Call out to Him: “Restore me, O God; make your face shine on me, that I may be saved.”
God, I need You.