The Lord For Sabbath

Texts: Matthew 12:1-14, 9:10-13, Hosea 6:6, Psalm 116:7, Matthew 11:28-30 

Reflection Questions:

  1. Read Psalm 116:7. Begin with silence, meditating on a word or phrase from that verse.

  2. What is more important? Keeping rules or keeping relationships? Why?

  3. Read Matthew 12:1-14. What is the attitude and agenda of the Pharisees? What is the attitude and agenda of Jesus? What do they have in common and where are they different?

  4. Why was it important for Jesus to reference the Old Testament in explaining what he was allowing (disciples picking grain) and doing (healing the man) on the Sabbath?

  5. Read Hosea 6:6. Why does God value mercy more than sacrifice? Why does he value restoring relationships more than maintaining rules?

  6. Read Matthew 9:9-13. Imagine being Matthew as the one Jesus called. Matthew must have realized Jesus was worth following. What do you need to leave behind to welcome Jesus into your life?

  7. In Matthew 12:6, Jesus said “something greater than the temple is here.” He was talking about himself and his kingdom mission. The Pharisees prioritized the temple and sabbath more than they prioritized God Himself. Invite Jesus to examine your priorities. What is He inviting you to surrender so that He can be Lord of your life?

  8. Close in prayer. Read Matthew 11:28-30. As you pray, name where you need rest and what burdens you need to lay at His feet.


Daily Reading

In this third week of our Renew Series on Sabbath, we are looking at Sabbath Rest through the lens of surrendering to the Lord of Sabbath.  

Each day before reading take a moment to read Psalm 116:7. And at the conclusion of the reading, hear Jesus’ invitation to rest in Him from Matthew 11:28-30  

Monday: Psalm 116:7; Matthew 9:9-13; Matthew 11:28-30 

Tuesday: Psalm 116:7; Hosea 6:1-6; Matthew 11:28-30

Wednesday: Psalm 116:7; Matthew 12:1-14; Matthew 11:28-30

Thursday: Psalm 116:7; 1 Samuel 21:1-6; Matthew 11:28-30

Friday: Psalm 116:7; Colossians 2:12-17; Matthew 11:28-30


Title: The Rhythm of Sabbath


Title: The Need For Sabbath