Series: Worth Dying For Title: Next Generation Faith

Main Text: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 and Romans 4:13-25

Supplemental Texts:  Psalm 22:23-31, Mark 8:31-38


On this child dedication Sunday the pressing question is: how do we pass the faith onto the next generation? This work requires time, sacrifice, collaboration, faith and grace. The story of Abraham and Sarah serves as an example for us. Their marriage and family was evidence of God’s faithfulness and through them God brought the King of Freedom. When Jesus told his disciples to deny themselves and carry their cross for his sake, He invited them into a patient, sacrificial, collaborative, faithful and grace-filled journey! And Sam and Mary Berry were another example of a family who worked together to help people to freedom. They endured patiently, denied themselves, worked together faithfully and gracefully…against the evil system of their day and passed their faith down to their children, including Amanda Berry Smith who became a holiness preacher who influenced our denomination! So, as we continue Lent, may we put our faith in the grace of God and endure patiently, deny ourselves and work together to pass the faith to the next generation of believers.  Upon reflection, it requires God’s grace first, then faith, time, sacrifice and collaboration to pass the faith along…


Read more about Sam and Mary Berry in Scott Mingus’ book: “The Ground Swallowed Them Up” or online here and here.


Reflection Questions:

  1. Read Psalm 22:27-31. Pause for two minutes, inviting God to help you think about how the faith was passed on to you.

  2. What do you think is the most important thing to pass along to the next generation?

  3. How should we pass the faith to the next generation after us?

  4. Read Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16. What does this tell you about the role of trust and faith in the covenant between God and humanity?

  5. Read Romans 4:13-25. Why does Paul hold Abraham up as an example of faith? What can we learn from what Paul has to say?

  6. Read mark 8:34-38. What are the attitudes required for the actions that Jesus instructs his disciples to have? Why are these essential for passing the faith on to the next generation?

  7. What is one thing you re sensing God asking you to change in order to pass the faith to the next generation?

  8. Close in prayer. 


Series: Worth Dying For Title: A Community of Sacrifice


Series: Worth Dying For Part 1: The Ultimate Conductor