Series: What Time Is It?Sermon: It’s Time to Take Wealth as Seriously As Jesus
Text: Mark 10:17-31
Psalm Reading: 90:12-17
Reflection Questions
Begin with a prayer pause. Read Psalm 90:12 and hold that verse in your imagination as you remain silent for 2 minutes.
Is money and wealth an easy or difficult subject for you to process? Why?
What are one or two essential things for the disciple of Jesus to do with their earthly wealth (whether it’s a little or a lot)?
Read Mark 10:17-31. Based on your reading, what does Jesus teach about the role of wealth in the life of a disciple? What does wealth have to do with eternal life?
When Jesus gives the commands in 10:19, he leaves out the command “Do not covet.” Why is coveting a barrier to inheriting eternal life in Jesus?
What do we learn about Jesus and discipleship in the three “look” moments (10:21, 10:23 and 10:27)?
Why is it important to see that Jesus promises treasure in “this present age” and “in the age to come?” What is the present inheritance and the future inheritance? How do these insights help disciples?
Based on these questions and this text, what is God calling you to do with the wealth that you have?
Read James 5:13-16. Close in prayer with the guidelines he provides. Pray for your troubles. Lift up your praise. Pray for the sick. Confess your sins.
Weekly Reading (October 13-19)
Monday: Obadiah 1:1-9; Revelation 7:9-17
Tuesday: Obadiah 1:10-16; Revelation 8:1-5
Wednesday: Obadiah 1:17-21; Luke 16:19-31
Thursday: Genesis 14:17-24; Romans 15:7-13
Friday: Isaiah 47:1-9; Revelation 17:1-18
Saturday: Isaiah 47:10-15; Luke 22:24-30