Series: Meet Me In The Garden Part 2: Persistent Prayer: Will Jesus Find Faith on Earth When He Returns?
Sermon Text: Luke 18:1-8, 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Reflection Questions:
Begin with praying the Lord’s Prayer aloud.
Do you have an example of an answered prayer? Something that was answered after persistent prayer?
What is something for which you have been praying persistently and are still waiting for an answer?
Slowly read Luke 18:1-8.
What does this parable reveal about God? What does it teach about prayer?
What are you feeling called to pray more persistently about?
How can you increase your persistence in prayer? What habit can you do that will help you pray constantly (like Paul describes in 1 Thessalonians 5:17)?
Close this time with prayer. Name an injustice in our world and commit to praying persistently for it.
Daily Reading
For our “Meet Me in the Garden” series, we will be reading through the gospel of Luke. In each chapter, we will see God revealing Himself through His Son Jesus. Meet Him in the garden and learn from Him as you read these texts.
Sunday: Luke 18:1-8
Monday: Luke 7
Tuesday: Luke 8
Wednesday: Luke 9
Thursday: Luke 10
Friday: Luke 11
Saturday: Luke 12