Series: Just Mercy Sermon: Jesus at the Well


Texts: John 4:1-42, Matthew 25:31-46


Reflection Questions


  1. Begin with a prayer pause. Read Psalm 146:3-9. Choose a line to meditate on for 2 minutes.

  2. What is your experience with prison or prison ministries? What do you believe is God’s purpose for the church in the lives of people who are in jail in York County?

  3. Reflect on the message from Chaplain Mike. What was your heart drawn to through the message?

  4. Read John 4:1-26. What does Jesus say that inspires you or makes you curious?

  5. If the Samaritan woman was in a broken state relationally, emotionally, spiritually and socially, how do Jesus’ interactions with her help us understand how he relates to us in our broken state? 

  6. In a parable in Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus instructed his disciples on how to care for others. What strikes you about this parable?

  7. Good News Global is inviting us to consider  4 ways of getting involved: pray, volunteer, give financially or donate Christmas items. Which of these are you being drawn to?

  8. Close in prayer. Pray for Chaplain Mike and Good News Global. Pray for those who are incarcerated. Ask God to help you determine what needs to change in your life to better serve the incarcerated. 


Weekly Reading (Nov 18-24)

Monday: Psalm 3; Daniel 8:1-14

Tuesday: Psalm 13; Daniel 8:15-27

Wednesday: Zechariah 12:1-13:1; Mark 13:9-23

Thursday: Psalm 93; Ezekiel 28:1-10

Friday: 2 Kings 12:1-14; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

Saturday: 2 Kings 23:15-25; John 3:31-36


Series: Advent 2024 – Stand Sermon: Hope Overcomes Despair


Series: Just Mercy Sermon: Pricey. Obedient. Personal.