Gardens Part 14-Stop

Genesis 2:1-3, Matthew 11:28, Exodus 31:12-17, Ephesians 1:18-23

Rest is essential to our spiritual lives. A well rested person easily resists temptation and easily loves. As believers we don't 'live for the weekend' but rest in God to be strengthened for a holy and loving life of work, prayer and relationships. 

What about you?

What habit(s) do you need to bring into your growth plan to grow in your rest? 

Explore more ideas on how to cultivate growth in the Rest Garden with the Growth Plan at:  


For Further Study on Sabbath: 

Bible Project’s Summary  

Rich Villodas: Sabbath Keeping Part 1  

For Rest Guidance from RightNow Media:


Matthew Sleeth  

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

John Mark Comer  

Free RightNow Account: 

Message Reflection and Questions 

Today we discussed the importance of stopping for Sabbath and why we need to make it a priority in our week and lives.  Sabbath is a commandment, but is one that flows from our relationship with God and is to delight in.  

Remember, rest is a gift that we are not only given, but we are commanded to do.  We were created to work and rest, just as God demonstrated to us in Creation.  There is a difference of resting from something and resting for something. Are you using your rest time to recover from a tough week?  Or is your Resting focused on centering yourself on Him.  God created the world and mankind in the 6 days as told in Genesis.  Then, He rested on the 7th.  Humanity’s first day after being created was resting.  They were centering themself on God and so that they could partner with Him in His work during the week.  Sabbath is resting in Him to prepare us for our work of the week.  Are you centering yourself on God, are you making the Sabbath holy? 

Here are 4 ways to stop and make Sabbath rest part of your week:

  1. Prioritize:  Schedule Sabbath into your week.

  2. Rest your body:  Your physical body needs to rest.

  3. Rest your soul:  Your soul needs to rest, and this is done by spending peaceful, worshipful time with Jesus.

  4. Share:  Share with your friends and family what you are learning through Sabbath and help them discover the importance of honoring this day themselves.  


    1. Begin with silence. 

    2. What did God say to you through the message?  What new thing did you learn about Sabbath?

    3. On a scale of 1-10, how burned out/exhausted do you feel?

    4. When was the last time you took a Sabbath day?

    5. What was your impression of the Sabbath growing up? 

    6. How can you make stopping for Sabbath a priority in your life?

    7. Read Matthew 11: 18 -30. Jesus says His burden is light, and yet He knew of His future crucifixion.  He had a mission and a timeline, but still spent time of rest with the Father. What would it look like to carry Jesus’ yoke, instead of your own?  What would it be like if we spent this time of rest with our Father and allow Him to carry our yoke?

    8. Rest in Jesus means centering yourself in Him to join Him in His work during the week.  In what area of your work week do you need to spend time centering yourself on Jesus?

    9. Close in prayer. Include prayers for the brokenness in our homes, workplaces, and world. Ask God for renewal and revival in you, in Stillmeadow and in the church in America. 


For the Rest Garden series, we’re reading through texts that invite us to stop, delight, rest and contemplate.  

Monday: Matthew 11:28-30

Tuesday: Psalm 23

Wednesday: Genesis 2:1-3

Thursday: Ephesians 1:18-23

Friday: Exodus 20:8-11 

Helpful Instructions for reading

  1. Start with silence. Relax in God’s presence. Imagine resting with Jesus.

  2. Review the memory verse for the series: Matthew 11:28

  3. Thank God for something that happened in the last 24 hours.

  4. Read the verses slowly. Ask: How is God inviting me to rest in Him?

  5. Finish in prayer for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your church. Pray through the nations at


Gardens Part 15-Delight in Sabbath


Gardens Part 13-Lament the Brokenness