Be the Church: Serve the World Part 2-Making Friends
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We are compelled to serve the world like Jesus did by 1) making friends, 2) giving gifts, 3) throwing parties and 4) telling stories. Each week reflect on the scripture and then use the following questions.
Week 2: Making Friends—John 15:9-17
Week 3: Giving Gifts—Luke 6:27-36
Week 4: Throwing Parties—Luke 14:7-14
Week 5 Telling Stories—Luke 19:11-27, Luke 15:11-32
Reflection Questions
1. Share your top 3 gifts from the spiritual gifts test.
2. How did Jesus live out this week’s practice?
3. What are barriers that keep people from this week’s practice?
4. How can your particular gifts help in this week’s practice?
5. Dream of ways to do this week’s practice across generational, racial, cultural, class lines.
6. What are some unique low-or-no cost ways we can do this week’s practice at Stillmeadow?
7. What are some unique low-or-no cost ways you can throw parties at home, at work/school, in your neighborhood?
8. What is one way you will make friends this week?
Making Friends Reading:
Monday: Acts 2:42-46, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Tuesday: Luke 6:12-15, John 15:9-17
Wednesday: Luke 5:17-26, Psalm 133
Thursday: Acts 11:19-26, Colossians 3:12-14
Friday: Galatians 3:26-4:7, Proverbs 17:17
Helpful Instructions for reading
Start with silence. Relax in God’s presence. Imagine resting with Jesus.
Thank God for something that happened in the last 24 hours.
Read the verses slowly. Ask: How do I see God’s gifts?
Finish in prayer for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your church. Pray through the nations at