Sabbatical Send Off (June 2) and FAQ’s

The Church Board, in support of the Kleinfeld family's sabbatical, is sponsoring a send-off picnic luncheon "love feast" on Sunday, June 2, after a combined family worship service at Stillmeadow Lane at 10 AM! Bring a canopy or lawn tent if desired, portable chairs, and a non-spoilable dish to share (relish tray, cookies, desserts, snacks, etc.). We will have hot dogs, chips, and a bottle of water for everyone who attends. A basket will be available for you to bring any cards, notes of encouragement, or financial gifts.

~ Scott Mingus-Church Board Secretary

What is the purpose of this Sabbatical?

For Stillmeadow a Sabbatical is a period of rest, renewal and revitalization after seven years of full time ministry partnership. Scripture points to the value of Sabbath and the idea of Sabbatical. References include Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 20:8-11, 23:10-12, Psalm 116:7, Matthew 11:28-12:13.

We're praying that this will be a time for Josh to step back from regular responsibilities to connect with his family, for the a renewal of emotional health, increased spiritual vitality, rekindled sense of God's calling, nurture of body and soul and ultimately a renewed commitment between Stillnaz and Josh.

How long will this Sabbatical be?

June 3-August 18

Who is taking care of Pastor Josh's responsibilities?

  • The four full-time pastor's will share on-call responsibilities.

  • Pastor Kent and Scott Mingus (board chair) will lead the board meetings.

  • Pastor John will lead staff meetings.

  • And we will have a variety of local and guest preachers on Sundays.

Will this be a time for Pastor Josh to find another place of service?

No. This is a time for renewal of commitment between Josh and Stillmeadow. Our Sabbatical policy explicitly states that pastor's receiving a Sabbatical will serve for a minimum of one year after.

What is my role as a layperson?

Grab a Sabbatical Journey Booklet (or download one here) for some ways to engage over the summer. Join in!

And come to the Welcome Bash on August 25 with stories to share!


2024 Kleinfeld Sabbatical Report


Update from the Board