Harvest Prayer

February 2025

Our prayer team meets monthly to intercede for each missionary listed below. For more information about each Missionary, click on the link next to their name.

Floyd Cunningham

Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary

It’s good to be back in the Philippines. I had a long, tough, good, exciting, tiring, enjoyable, and very blessed year of home assignment. I stayed healthy the whole year, avoided accidents, and only once (in Florida) was a service that was scheduled not possible due to natural disasters.

Officially retired from Global Mission, but I’m back at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, teaching the same subjects, living in the same apartment, and writing this from the same office that I’ve had. 

So, when people ask me if I’m retired, it’s still a difficult question to answer!

APNTS has started second semester, and I am still meeting new students that were not here when I left more than a year ago. I’ll have my first “koinonia” small group meeting this Friday.

Thank you for your prayers!

Robin and Carlos Radi - Argentina

Thank you for your constant prayers and especially for continuing the communication even when we miss a couple of months.  Updated prayer requests are as follows:  

For our local church as we start off the year with a leadership meeting, construction, outreach and a foot washing ceremony.  May God pave His vision in our 2025 plans.  

For a mission call camp we will host in the Native peoples district in the north of Argentine in February. May of our youth feel called to the mission field. Prayers for God´s direction in their lives.  

For our oldest daughter who will be getting married in May

For our middle daughter as she makes some exciting life choices in the next year. 

For our youngest daughter as she adapts to college. May God give her wisdom and perseverance. 

Thank you for your prayers.

Carlos Gordon - Africa


We had successful finance meeting in January 2025.


Pray for Mozambique - The political situation is still bad.

Pray for upcoming Global Finance Meetings

Pray for the General Board meetings to be held in Johannesburg South Africa next year. 

Pray for me as I seek speaking engagements for my Home Assignment in 2025.. 

Please pray for our team as many persons are experiencing illnesses either themselves or family members.

Pray for wisdom for our team as we seek God’s guidance and direction for 2025.

Pray for more workers to join the mission field in the area of finance and administration.

Pray that the Lord’s will be done in the coming months on the Africa Region.

And please pray for my family.

Jonathan Phillips

Romania - (Blog Link)


That generosity to others is being exemplified in the Sighisoara church. In December, the congregation gave to the church's annual "Christmas present offering" and distributed gifts to the children and senior adults in the church's ministry, plus bags of groceries for families in town whose homes burnt down a few weeks earlier.


Pray for the Romanians who are being trained in new roles.

Pray that God will lead the right missionary candidates to fill vacancies in Romania. 

Pray for the development of the 3 local churches in Romania.

Pastor Ron Grey

Jamaica East District

Pray that the pastors and leaders will give their best support to the kingdom of God. Pray for strength and courage to do the things that God would impress on my heart to do for Kingdom building. Pray for the spirit of Unity in the District. Pray for the health of our Pastors /Leaders. Pray for wisdom and Vision in leading the District.