March 2, 2025

Lenten Devotionals

This year’s Lenten Devotionals go with our Bible reading plan and each one features an aspect of GodStory and OurStory. Some of the devotionals have a word of testimony that I am sure will bless and encourage you. You can sign up to receive them daily in your email (click here to sign up), or you can pick them up on March 2 at our welcome desks.

Grow with us in our new Spring Courses

We were made to grow in maturity in our relationship with God and others. And we realize that no one matures alone, so we have intentional ways to cultivate growth together. Check out these opportunities…

The Journey-February 2

Intro to Stillmeadow-February 23

GriefShare-March 3

EHR (Emotionally Healthy Relationships)-March 16

Financial Series Workshops-8 financial workshops are scheduled for this year.  The first  workshop, 4 Steps to Better Budgeting, will take place Thursday, March 20 at 7PM.  Go to for more info. 

We are all on a discipleship pathway here in Stillmeadow and we have many intermittent courses that help equip each of us in spiritual formation. Get more information on these Spring courses at

 EJAM Work & Witness Team Pretzel Sandwich Fundraiser-From February 16 to March 9 you can pick up an order form in the Café area.  Questions?  Contact Missy Hull at 717- 818-1677. 

 Children’s Ministry Director-We are currently accepting applications for this position.  Please contact for info.

Grow with us in our new Spring Courses

We were made to grow in maturity in our relationship with God and others. And we realize that no one matures alone, so we have intentional ways to cultivate growth together. Check out these opportunities…

The Journey-February 2

Intro to Stillmeadow-February 23

GriefShare-March 3

EHR (Emotionally Healthy Relationships)-March 16

Financial Series Workshops-8 financial workshops are scheduled for this year.  The first  workshop, 4 Steps to Better Budgeting, will take place Thursday, March 20 at 7PM.  Go to for more info. 

We are all on a discipleship pathway here in Stillmeadow and we have many intermittent courses that help equip each of us in spiritual formation. Get more information on these Spring courses at

 ~Prayer- As we grow together, prayer is the foundation for our community.  We have many groups that focus on prayer.  Checkout our prayer opportunities at

 ~Financial Series Workshops-8 financial workshops are scheduled for this year.  The first  workshop, 4 Steps to Better Budgeting, will take place Thursday, March 20 at 7PM.  Go to for more info.

 Serve With Us –There are many ways you can serve! Go to to let us know of your interest.

 ~Grounds Maintenance Helper-Can you operate a zero turn mower or pull weeds?  If you can serve please contact or sign up at

 Give With Us-You can give at

 -Habitat for Humanity-Habitat for Humanity welcomes people from all walks of life to make affordable housing.  You can give to help fund this housing at

  ~Give to the Alabaster Offering-This special offering goes to building projects around the world. Fill an alabaster box, or go to and select Alabaster or check Alabaster on your giving envelope.



March 16, 2025