Announcement of Family Ministry Change 9/12/23— Please Read Immediately
Announcement From Pastor Chris
Dear Stillnaz Families,
It is with both joy and sorrow that I come to you tonight. Joy from the grace and direction of God, and sorrow for the ending of a season. During our Ignite youth group tonight 9/12 I will be communicating to our teens that I will be resigning from my position as youth & young adult pastor. It has been a great joy and privilege that God has called me to serve in this role over the last 4 years. And as I continue to pursue the Lord, I am being called to serve as a prison chaplain away from York county. Often, during times of transition, some may wonder, “what’s really going on?” or “did something happen?” and I just want to confirm that this is not a separation from any negative experience, but that God is just calling my family to a new chapter of our journey in ministry. Please pray for me, Emily, and Ezekiel as we continue to walk in faith at the Lord’s leading, as we will continue to pray for our Stillmeadow family!
Over the next few weeks, we will be communicating more of the practical details of what the transition will look like. But we expect that it will be 1-2 months before my final day on staff. In the meantime, I do want to affirm that youth ministry is not going away. We have an incredible team of seasoned youth workers who have walked through pastoral transition before that will carry the ministry in the interim. Youth and family ministry is something that our church values deeply and we will continue to invest in that ministry as we begin the season of transition and pastoral search.
Each of the students will likely respond differently to change, some will take it harder than others, while others may even be excited for it. I would just affirm their feelings, however they respond. And I believe it will be important to ensure them that the youth group will not disappear, they will still have most of the same leaders, that they will still be able to connect with their peers, all the fun things on the calendar like 30 Hour Famine and the Ignite Christmas party are still going to happen, and also remind them that the church (or youth ministry) really isn’t about 1 person, but it is about the community in pursuit of Jesus together. And they can be assured that as God is calling one pastor away, he will be sure to bring another along to fill that role.
May God bless you and your family as you guide and parent your children through this transition!
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you… And so Abram went, as the Lord had told him.
-Genesis 12:1; 4a.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Chris Fuller
A Word From Pastor Josh
Hey families, this is a bittersweet announcement. We are so grateful for the season of ministry we had with Pastor Chris and Emily and we are so grateful that God is continuing to lead him and Emily. And we are going to miss them in York. But as God continues to lead the Fullers, God continues to lead our youth and families and young adults.
Let’s Pray…
…for the Fuller’s and the prison ministry Chris is moving to.
…for the youth and young adult and ministries.
…for the yet to be determined interim leader and youth ministry staff.
…for the yet to be determined permanent leader.
Let’s Plan…
This announcement means that we are moving into a new season for our youth and young adult ministry. This season will feature four basic overlapping phases. As we go through this season, we will be intentional about keeping you informed about the process (farewell party, interviews, etc).
Phase 1: Farewell Celebrations and Grieving
Phase 2: Interim Prayer Season
Phase 3: Search Season
Phase 4: Welcome and Integration of New Leader
Let’s Talk…
If you have memories or questions or ideas or concerns through this season, please feel free to reach out to Chris ( or Josh (
Grace and Peace through Christ our Rock, the Head of the body of believers, and our Guide for the Road,
Pastor Josh