Stillnaz Youth Update 5/28/24
Stillmeadow Families,
Happy Tuesday! Tonight we are honoring our graduates and having a time of stories and prayer with them as they begin to transition. Pastor Casey, the youth pastor at YCC, will be bringing a message tonight to look inward to look outward. I am really excited about it! I am also really excited to announce that our youth group has a sponsor child! His name is Marcio Joel. A photo and information is below. We are going to write him letters as d-groups and share photos and have special collections for his birthday and Christmas. This will be a great opportunity for us to look outward as a community. Let me know if you have any questions!
Dorney Park registration ends today!
We are going to Dorney Park on June 6th to celebrate the end of the school year! A flyer is below and here is the link to register! It is 40$/person! The deadline to register is today, 5/28!!
Feel free to use this as an opportunity to invite a friend!
Next week, June 4th is terrific Tuesday parent night!
At this parent night, Julie Callender will be kicking off a parenting series that we will have through the year at every parent night. She will start by tackling praying for your teen. Please do not miss this. We will have a chance to connect and welcome the new 6th grade families into youth group at terrific Tuesday!
Mission Week registration has been closed! If you would like your child to participate, still reach out to me to see if we can make accommodations!
Special announcement! Natalie and Garrett Wagner welcomed their second child, Micah Edward on May 10th! Natalie is our NYI president and we are celebrating with her!
Please always feel free to reach out!
You are loved!
Pastor Tabitha
Growth plan- Please take time to start reviewing your yearly growth plan individually and as a family at