Be the Church Reading Plan

We’re in an all-church series, journeying through what it means for us to live in the indestructible kingdom as a family of believers.

Find more info about the series here.

You are Gifted Reading:

Monday: Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 139:1-6

Tuesday: Ephesians 4:7-13, Psalm 139:7-12

Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 12:4-14, Psalm 139:13-18

Thursday: 1 Peter 4:7-11, Psalm 8

Friday: Romans 12:3-8, Psalm 95

Making Friends Reading:

Monday: Acts 2:42-46, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Tuesday: Luke 6:12-15, John 15:9-17

Wednesday: Luke 5:17-26, Psalm 133

Thursday: Acts 11:19-26, Colossians 3:12-14

Friday: Galatians 3:26-4:7, Proverbs 17:17

Giving Gifts Reading:

Monday: Luke 6:27-36, Psalm 19

Tuesday: Luke 7:36-50, Psalm 24

Wednesday: Luke 21:1-4, Psalm 27

Thursday: James 1:2-12, Isaiah 61:1-7

Friday: James 1:13-18, Isaiah 61:8-11

Throwing Parties Reading:

Monday: Luke 14:7-14, Psalm 100

Tuesday: Luke 14:15-24, Isaiah 55:1-7

Wednesday: James 2:1-4, Isaiah 55:8-13

Thursday: James 2:12-19, Psalm 23

Friday: Acts 16:25-34, Psalm 103

Telling Stories Reading:

Monday: Luke 19:11-27, Psalm 107:1-16

Tuesday: Luke 15:1-10, Psalm 107:17-32

Wednesday: Luke 8:1-15, Psalm 107:33-43

Thursday: Luke 12:13-21, Psalm 51 

Friday: Luke 15:11-32, James 5:13-20

Daily Prayer Guide

As we go through this season together, let’s unite in our scripture study and our prayer times. Let’s be like Daniel and set aside three times a day to pray with the following focuses. 

Morning Prayer Focus—Pray for the Day

And pray for revival in Stillmeadow, for healing in York

Mid-Day Prayer Focus—Pray for the Lost (set alarm for 10:02?)

Pray for opportunities to share the gospel

Evening Prayer Focus—Say Thanks for the Day