Thursday, March 21

Philippians 2:1-11

Proverbs  23:7 relates: as a man thinks in his heart so he becomes. King Solomon rightly emphasized the impact of attitude on influencing outcomes. His wisdom underscores that attitude is vital in every area of life, including academic or vocational pursuits, outlook on life, daily challenges, and especially relationships.

If healthy relationships are our desire, then nothing is more harmful than an attitude of selfishness. In chapter 2 of his letter, Paul makes a passionate plea to the Philippian congregation, urging them to “make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other…don’t be selfish…don’t look out for your own interests only.”

Healthy relationships begin with the supreme example of Jesus. Paul admonishes: “you must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” Jesus is God. But though He has “divine privileges,” He did not insist on His rights, He laid down His rights in obedience to the Father and for the redemption of others. Jesus’ attitude is counter-cultural to a society that suggests the key to happiness and self-fulfillment is through self-absorption and self-indulgence. Jesus’ example proved the opposite. He taught and demonstrated it is better to give than receive.

As we follow Jesus’ example of selfless service to God and others we discover the happiness found in giving. We don’t possess the attitude of Christ perfectly. But Paul reminded the Philippians in vs. 13 that “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Jesus’ humiliation led to His exaltation. Jesus is Lord of all! As daily we live in surrender to His Lordship, we receive His power to display the attitude of Christ. As Proverbs 23:7 suggests, with His Spirit and His attitude in our hearts, we are becoming more and more like Christ.

How might Jesus’ example of sacrificial love motivate you to have the attitude of Christ?

Pastor Brad Shaffer


Friday, March 22


Wednesday, March 20