Friday, March 22

Jeremiah 33:1-9

Through this passage it is evident what a merciful God we serve. What worldly compassion he shows. History teaches us that God rescued the nation of Judah many times from unjust oppressors. For example when reading through the entire book of Exodus we often learn how harsh and judgmental God was. However, taking a closer look we realize that God always judges righteously.

Jeremiah receives Word that God has an astonishing, wonderful, and gracious plan. Judah would be restored to their former glory and prosperity, their sins would be forgiven, and they would receive a future blessing.

It might seem impossible to us that God would do this for Judah after allowing idolatry and immorality of all kinds. They turned their backs on God again and again. Therefore, you might be thinking, why would God do this? Well I believe the answer is that God is a God of mercy.

As we think back over our lives and the times we have received mercy, do we really believe we are truly forgiven? The image that comes to mind is when old snow lays on the ground and gets dirty, it isn’t very pretty. Just like sin doesn’t make us very pretty. But, when we receive a second snowfall, it covers the dirt and ugliness with a fresh layer of new fallen show. It renews my mind of how our sins have been covered and washed away by what Jesus did for us on the cross. Do we realize that God loves us so much that he never stops forgiving us? When we ask for forgiveness, God continues to wipe away our sin, because that is just who God is. As I watch the snow out my window this morning I am reminded that it is possible even for me. And it is possible for you as well.

Pastor Kathy Foltz


Sunday, March 24


Thursday, March 21