Discipleship Pathway
We believe that as followers of Jesus, we are on the pathway of discipleship. This pathway is not linear but we grow when we gather together, when we take courses to grow in our spiritual formation, when we commit to a group to practice the mission of Jesus together, when we begin to lead others, and when we pray together. Join our discipleship pathway as we grow with Jesus and one another!
Experiencing God’s presence in large community. Check our our gatherings.
These intermittent interactive courses equip individuals in their spiritual formation as they continue their transformation into a disciple of Jesus. Check our our courses.
A community to intentionally share faith and life together as you practice the mission of Jesus through conversation, fellowship, prayer, service, and intimacy. These groups are primarily driven by sermon questions, Wesley's questions, and related church curriculum. Check our our lifegroups.
New leaders equipped to continue Jesus’ mission of making disciples through our discipleship leader process. Email us here if you are interested in leading a group.
Prayer is essential in everything we do. Check our our prayer groups and prayer request form.
Cultivating your spiritual growth is key to living a life that reflects Jesus and moves His mission forward in the world.
One essential way to grow in Christ is to grow with others in a small group format.
If you are interested in joining our discipleship pathway or have any questions, contact us below!