Sunday, March 10

John 3:14-21

Growing up I loved to play Flashlight Hide & Go Seek with kids in my neighborhood. We played this a lot on the summer nights and kids from blocks over would show up to play with us. Once it was really dark out, we would hide behind our neighbor’s houses, in the court that we lived on, and wait until the seeker would shine their light on you and call out your name. When the light touched us, we knew that it was time to come out of the darkness.

The passage today made me think of playing this game. Jesus came to this earth and is our Light that helps us find our way out of the darkness and into His Light. He offers us salvation from living in the darkness, overcome by the sin of this world, and salvation that allows us to have eternal life with Him.

Jesus came here as a gift for you. He is shining His light on you and calling out your name. When you believe in Him (vs 16) you are able to step out of the darkness of the sin of this world and into the light of His forgiveness, love, peace, joy, and eternal life. The darkness is still around us while we are in this world because we are surrounded by sin, but it does not keep us hostage because we are in Jesus’ light! His Light is stronger than the darkness! Thank you, Lord!

Household Challenge:

  • Play Flashlight Hide & Go Seek in your house. Make sure to sign your light on the person that is hiding in the darkness and call out their name.

  • Tell each other your salvation story.

  • Make a prayer list of others that you know are living in the darkness and pray for Jesus’ light to shine on them and that they hear Him calling their name.

Pastor Rachel Zeigler


Monday, March 11


Friday, March 8