Sunday, February 18

Mark 1:9-15

Read Mark 1:9-15 aloud. [For emphasis, read the spoken parts (v 11 and 15) with power!]

When I was baptized at age 12 there was no parting sky or heaven shaking voice. But I still look back at that day, when Pastor Randy Hodges plunged me under the baptismal waters, with a sense of awe and gratitude. I had repented. I had believed the good news of Jesus. I was publicly committing to Jesus as my King.

But it was always a mystery to me why Jesus got baptized. I needed to be baptized because I had sinned and wanted to show my submission to His cleansing love. But Hebrews 7:26 and 2 Corinthians 5:21 say that Jesus never sinned. So if Jesus did not get baptized for the forgiveness of his sins, why?

Well, it turns out that baptism is also a rite of passage, like when someone goes from being a high school student to a high school graduate or when someone goes from being single to being married. Graduations and weddings are rites of passage to recognize those milestone moments. Baptism was the milestone moment to signify that Jesus was moving from private ministry to public ministry. This ministry would result in his death (which would result in his resurrection!), so it was fitting that God the Father would speak a word of blessing over His Son and that the Spirit would show up. 

As Christians who have been baptized, we are given the affection of the Father and the power of the Spirit to give up everything and follow Jesus as our King.

Household Challenge: 

  • Ask: Why was it important for the Father to bless the Son before His public ministry? Take time to say a blessing over each other before the week.

  • Share your baptism story. Why did you get baptized?

If you are not yet baptized and are interested, we are doing baptisms on Easter Sunday (March 31). Sign up at

Pastor Josh Kleinfeld


Monday, February 19


Friday, February 16